I wasn't going to post today, because truth be told, I'M SO OVER THE INTERNET AND LOOKING AT THIS DAMN COMPUTER SCREEN I WANT TO SCREAM, but then I saw something and that made me think of something else, and I knew I just HAD to visit with y'all today. Especially since my Google Reader has 187 unread posts and I haven't even added my new AlMediocre buddies to it...Gah! I'm so behind in the blog world, it's scary. Scary I tell you.
BUT, I did stop by my trusty Google Reader to check in and I found this waiting for me and it totally made my day. You all know and love Bossy, or at least I assume you do, because who doesn't love Bossy?
Apparently the answer to that is "Linda" who had this to say about that there post:
"Well, done reading Bossy...it was a nice time, but it's just not worth it anymore."
Posted by: Linda May 21, 2008 at 10:40 AM
Do you think she meant:
1) Done reading Bossy because she's offended about the vaginas, lesbians & pedophile Republicans Bossy talked about?
2) Done reading Bossy because she was holding out hope that Bossy wasn't actually straight and that she might one day end up as Bossy's future husband?
I just can't be sure. But, one thing I AM sure of is that Linda needs to pull that stick out of her ass. She might like people, ALL people, better if she was more comfortable. I'm just sayin'.
On a totally unrelated, but somehow connected (?) topic, one of the members of AllMediocre put this picture on her website the other day and it cracked me up.
It probably shouldn't have cracked me up, but COME ON...who designed that thing? Really? And by that I mean, what person designed the light switch to make it look like Jesus is sharing his wang with two small children? Not more cosmically/biblically, like who designed the wang to begin with? That's a good question, though. I mean, there are a few design flaws. But that's another discussion for another time.

On ANOTHER totally unrelated note, Tahoe just licked all the bacon fat out of the foil in the kitchen garbage can. Now he's banished to the dining room so that when he throws up I can clean it up easily. Nice.
And? And?! In the latest "Developments of Baby Zach" series: He has a tooth! A real, honest to goodness, I can feel it when I stick my finger in his mouth, tooth! And he's a champion army-crawler and also eats cheese. Real cheese. I'd share the 2.5 minute video I took of him eating cheese with you, but I'm pretty sure I've lost a few subscribers already and I'd like to hold on to the rest of you for a little while longer!
The light switch cover is priceless. Not a thing wrong with vaginas - I have a big one on my blog too.
Wow. That's a special lightswitch plate. *fwds to husband*
WOW on the lightswitch. Just WOW.
I need that light switch cover! AWESOME.
I have an army crawler too! I love it. Future Marine? Sewage worker?
And...congrats on all the buzz that allmediocre is getting. You have worked SO hard.
Aaah... wow, I can think of so many people that light switch would offend...LOL!
I saw that over on Bossy today too. Linda is some kind of hater!
I'm so glad I could make you laugh with the light switch :) I debated on not posting it worrying about offending someone but I'm so glad I did.
i could so see an unnamed religious relative buying that for one of my girls and having no idea why i am standing with my mouth agape.
too funny.
Thanks for stoppin' by. Love ALLMediocre and what it stands for!!
That light switch is insanely WRONG...love it!
As "that hot MILF" said to Brian on a Family guy episode from this past season: "That's so my sense of humor!"
Thank you for the welcome! Now if only I can get the darn button to work :(
Hahaha!! I laughed at the same light switch cover thing the other day. I have the pic saved, can't wait to show my fiance.
Yikes on that lightswitch cover.
About Linda - if her reasons for not reading anymore ARE because of what bossy wrote about yesterday, is it SO wrong to stop reading for that reason? If a liberal viewed person got mad at a conservative writer and stated they would now stop reading, wouldnt that be equally as wrong then with that mentality? Isn't taking a stand just part of what makes us as humans with opinions great? Just saying...
You know I love your blog and love reading ya and think you have the 3rd and 4th cutest darn kids IN THE WORLD (you can guess whose are the first), but I don't always agree with you. I just choose to not comment. If I had a large enough issue with something, I would maybe quit reading. That is part of our choices. I am just firm enough in my beliefs and opinions that I can read stuff and still not be swayed. I like to see the other side, though.
I suppose I took issue with the fact that she was all "it's just not worth it anymore" as if suddenly Bossy has changed her entire repertoire and is posting crazy, immoral stuff. It's Bossy. She's posted similar items a million times. At least a few times a week she posts about finding "Bossy's Future Husband" and no one complains. Shes happily married...it's a JOKE. But as soon as she posts something about a lesbian and wanting her to be Bossy's future husband "Linda" gets all offended and leaves. I mean, come on. That brings me to an entirely other discussion about the bass-ackwards-ness of religion that speaks to loving people and doing unto others, etc, but then openly expects calls for people to discriminate against entire GROUPS of people because of their sexual orientation. HeLLO? WTF?
And? And?! It's BOSSY. It's a personal BLOG! It's not Fox News or Keith Olbermann on MSNBC. It's not a politically charged site that's constantly railing against conservatives. It's BOSSY for crying out loud. Can we not read other people's works if they don't fit in with our views on the world and our views of politics?
Um...I feel a post coming on. I'm going to head over to write it instead of ranting over here.
Oh, and Angie? I LOVE YOU! (and not in a lesbian way) Muah!
that lightswitch. oh my. i saw it and thought it was funny just to have jesus on a switchplate cover. then when you started in on the wang thing...well i about choked on my diet coke. thanks for the laugh!
the light switch is just killing me. KILLING ME!!!
my Reader is filled up too. honestly, sometimes real life just jacks with my on-line life....
oh, and the linda chick. come ON!
I love the light switch. Cracks me up, too.
And now I'm copy/pasting the comment I just left on Bossy's post, since I was #97 over there, and it won't ever be seen...
The other day, I got this word verification code:
Now I'm totally wondering if that's code for Rachel Maddow's vagina.
Linda's just cranky because, though she has a lovely girly name, she does not in fact have a vagina, and therefore felt kinda left out."
I think I just peed a little bit. That light switch cover totally made me laugh... design flaw is an understatement.
That light switch cover reminds me of some prop from a really creepy horror flick laced with catholic dogma. Anyone else?
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