December 22, 2007

Baby It's Cold Outside

Hi Internets...I'm Alive. There may be copious amounts of wine running through me right now, but I'm alive. And my children are too! Bonus!

We're having a gay old time in the Sacramento area. Dylan is "enjoying" spending time with his cousins, which is nice, but the rest of us (the adult set) are having a difficult time. Has anyone ever put three toddlers together and tried to have them get along? Doesn't happen so much. Oh, and the adults don't get along to much either, then. Nice time all around. My sister has threatened murder, and I'm not sure if she meant her son or my sister-in-law. NICE.

REALLY happy time all around. I'm doing my best to convince her hormonally pregnant self to "Guest Blog" because I think we could all benefit from it. She's pissy and not drunk (being knocked up and all) so it would be really interesting. Not at all what I'm writing right now, being as I've had several bottles glasses of wine.

SO, I'm typing one handed right now cause Zach decided to FREAK out & needed to eat. I'm going to go. I'll post again tomorrow next week. Whenever I get around to it.

(I didn't know spell check could find SO MANY typo's in one post)


slow panic said...

This is why I LOVE the holidays. I LOVE them. Family and stress and madness and packed into tiny spaces....

A Mom Two Boys said...

Jodi, I sense a little sarcasm...
We actually are having a nice time. There are just a few moments, every now and then, when we think about giving the children away and running off to the hills to go wine tasting. Without various extra family members.

Texasholly said...

I am guessing your sis-in-law is not one of your loyal readers?

A Mom Two Boys said...

She's not allowed to know anything about this. Especially now. Can you tell how much we all like her?